Honda Repair: civic, loud thump, civic crx
Questionme and my dad went to look at a 1991 civic crx i think is what it was. well, any ways... we noticed that when you got over 20 you could hear a loud thump noise over and over. and also if you took your hand off the wheel it jerks VIOLENTLY to the right and if you push the brakes the jerks to the left. it has been in a crash...but it was on the left front right up by the headlight. and it was side swiped on the other side which has a little dent right before the front wheel well. please let me know what you think. im already thinking-dont buy the car because i bet ya the frame is bent-but i was lookin for a second opinion.
The thumping sounds like it is coming from the tire and that is why the wheel jerks, I would say it needs to be balanced or just replaced. The brake problem may also be related to the wheel. Unless you get a great deal, I would stay away from this car. If it is a great deal you might want to take it to a repair shop or Honda and have them look over the car and tell you what is wrong and what it will take to fix. I would only do that BEFORE you buy.