Honda Repair: 1990 Honda Civic Transmission, head gasket, acceleration and deceleration

Hi, Ryan

I have a 1990 Honda Civic automatic transmission with 131000 miles. It does a Jerk/buck into gear (mostly second) during acceleration and deceleration and there is a vibration while idle in gear. All the other functions of the trans seem good (up a hill, on turns) no power loss at all. Do you have any idea of what I should be looking for?
(Bad trans, bad motor/trans mounts) Also there is a mild white smoke coming from the exhaust could this be coolant leakage into the head gasket? and could it be related to the transmission issue?

Thank You Ryan

Ok the smoke from your exhaust is a sign that your head gasket is getting ready to need to fix this ASAP!!!!

about the trans it sounds like the gears are slipping...meaning you need to have the trans rebuilt

take it to get a diagnostics test @ any good trans shop...usally pretty cheap..i recommend AAMCO