Honda Repair: How to turn off Maintenance Light, honda accord 99, milages
QuestionTo Whom May Concern,
Hi! I have a Honda Accord '99 LX Sedan.
The maintenance light is really bother me. I dont know how to turn it off. I read it suppose to remind driver to get oil change every 3k milages. But after I got my oil change done..and car dealer always forgot to turn it off for me. Please help me out.
AnswerTo reset your light do the following:
1-Push maintence reminder button in and hold it in. (thats the button near the speedo on the insturment cluster)
2-Turn the ignition to the on position while holding button in.
3-Wait several seconds until the light goes out, then let go of the button.
It is now reset
Gene/Master ASE technician/Honda Platinum technician