Honda Repair: Civic Brake Light, light bulbs, blinkers

My 2000 2-dr Civic EX got backed into. Damage was minimal. Right, quarter-mounted tail light cover (lens) was broken. Light bulbs were not broken, however the brake lights on that side (both the trunk mounted and quarter mounted units) do not work now. The blinkers and tail lights work, but when I step on the brakes nothing happens (tail lights don't get brighter signalling braking) on that side. Do I need to replace those bulbs?  


If you have not yet done so, replace the bulbs. If that does not fix it, you will need to check the wiring. You may have a broken wire somewhere. Also check the connector for damage.
If the opposite side lights are working, then you know the wiring and fuses are good up to it. Again re-check the wiring.
Good luck