Honda Repair: Warning light??, honda accord ex, honda dealers
My friend has a 90' Honda Accord EX. The car is in prety good conditions and she really hasn't had problems with it, but a warning light with just the letter [S] came on about 2 days ago. Well, today while I was driving on the highway the light started to blink and the speedometer started going wild, I was going about 65 mph and it just droped down to 0. After that it would go back up to what ever speed I be going at the time, and it kept doing that none stop. I immidietly got off the highway and went to Kragen Auto store, there they totally try to help me with my problem, they checked the battery and it was bad so we bought a new one. They tryed looking the [S] up on one of those Chilton books I think they are called but couldn't find anything on it. We drove away but the light was still on and was still blinking, and the speedometer was still freaking out, and to top it all of the engine light came on after that. We stopped to eat and after that on the way home the engine light was off and the [S] was not blinking. I am going to call a couple of the Honda dealers, but before I do that I would totally apprciate it if you could help me out with this problem, thank you and God bless!!
The answer to your question is very simple. You have a bad speed sensor. It sits on top of the transmission, and will run you about $150-$200 to replace. Once its replaced, all your lights will go out, and your speedometer will work normally.
Glad to help you,
God bless.