Honda Repair: 1989 Honda Starting Problem, distributer cap, jumper cables
QuestionHi Gene,
My 1989 Honda Accord is having starting problems. I get in it in the morning and start it up and when I crank it sounds as though the battery is dying. VRMmmmmm. So I turn it off and do it again... VRMmmmm. Third times the charm though, because it always seems to start up. I have had the spark plugs, distributer cap, O2 sensor and main fuel relay changed. My battery terminals are clean and I have had the battery tested, Full charge (they said). Please help me I am a very poor college student who cannot afford anymore trouble shooting,
Thanks, Candice
Hi. This question is going to be a little tricky. I almost have to be there to hear what you are talking about. Is it really a cranking problem or a starting problem? What you can do to eliminate the battery, is to get some jumper cables and hook them up to your car from another car with a good battery. Try and start the car. If it starts right up, you know that the battery is at fault.
It may be an ignition or fuel problem also. You did not tell me if the car is injected or has a carburerator. If not injected, are you pumping the gas pedal once before starting? Try that. If injected, you should cycle the key on and off a few times without starting it. On the 3rd try, crank the car over. Does it start right up? If so, then you have a leaky fuel regulator, or possibly a leaking injector. Once you narrow it down, let me know and we will take it from there.
Good luck!