Question1988 honda accord dx carb auto trans w/new tranny and a rebuild/used carb
I am having a difficult time trying to play with this carb I have for my 1988 Accord. The problem is similar to what others have posted, yet I'm not sure if its a vacuum Leak or just a bad carb i am installing.
Anyway the problem i am having is that whenever I start up the car in cold boot it starts right up having a high rpm range like 2-3k then back down to about idle for 2 sec and then engine dies out. Now even when the car is hot/normal operation then its fine but still when booting it up it always rev rpm range to 2.5k then back down. Is this normal?
Today I tired to check for choke rod bends throttle cable adjustments and trying to figure if it could be a vacuum leak. because i am sure its a good carb i am installing yet still used. I have tried 3 used carb and the last one has been the better because i rebuilt it with the carb kit, but anyway i would like to know if there is anyway you could possibly tell me what you think is wrong or that i am plug and play all wrong or missing nor leaking not sealed good hoses that could only cause this? any thing would help
One more question is there anyway or a link i can get to to find out how to hook up hoses and wires etc? If what not coz the Hayne book isnt so much accurate as others.
Regards Rick
Those carbs are very difficult to work on. I have had the hardest time with them sometimes. Here are a few things to check.
Check the vaccum advance on the distrubitor. Is it leaking? That may be the problem. Also grab the advance cam when you have the distrubitor cap off. Does it move or is it siexed up? It should move about a half inch and then return back freely. If it is siezed, then the timing is not advancing, which may be your problem. Also check the PCV valve. They blow out all the time and cause the car to stall. Did you replace the carb. base gasket? They get flat and tend to leak vaccum. Check that also.
When cold, your car should start and rev about 2-3k for a few seconds. Then it should come down to about 1500 -1800 rpm after a few seconds. Finally it should go to idle. That is called a "3 stage" choke system. Then when you start it warm, it should just run at idle, depending on how cold the engine is.
Sounds like you are on the right track. What I suggest is that you buy a HONDA service manual. They have an extensive area on those carbs. They tell you how to trouble shoot that system and test variuos sensors and how to set up the choke. The manual you have is useless in my opinion. They generalize too much. At least if you do that, you will have a direction to move in, instead of keep on replacing the carb., which is probally not your problem at this point. It sounds more like a thermosensor or an adjustment that needs to be looked at.
Good luck and thanks for the question.