Honda Repair: A/C Compressor ticking sound, condenser fan motor, sir2
Questionmy honda civic sir2's A/C compressor emits a ticking
sound when I turn it on. I observed it and I saw that
the top part of the compressors pulley that's connected to the belt stops and goes when I leave it on idle, it only happens when the cars on idle, when i put on the gas the pulleys rotates just fine.theres no problem on the cooling effect of the A/C though, It just bugs me when I hear the ticking sound everytime im on a stoplight. Is the problem TERMINAL for the compressor and I have to buy a new one or do I just tighten the belts?
AnswerSounds like one of 2 things. Check your condenser fan motor. It it working? Your A/C pressurees may be getting too high, which will cycle the compressor on and off at idle because no air is going across the condenser.
Your compressor may also have too little clearence in the clutch. It may be comming on and off because of that.
Check those two things and get back to me if you need more help.
Tightnening the belt will not help. It should also not hurt the compressor.