Honda Repair: 93accord lx engine dies, engine temp, dash lights
Question225,000 miles automatic. runs fine cept engine cuts out[seems electrial to me not fuel cuz doesn't stutter first-just quits] has been doing for the last 60kmiles but seemed to go away for a long time ,just returned. does not seem to be engine temp. related either. previously would die and not restart for awhile [sometimes as long as 24hr wait to restart]. now dies out and restarts but quits 1-2 min. just ran smog and failed-gross polluter-cause unknown. was a huge suprise it failed cuz car runs reliably [not oil burner]other than this one thing. thank you for yer time.
When the car quits, do you loose all the dash lights? Sounds like you have a bad ignition switch. Not really a big job to do. They are pretty common and go bad a lot. If the dash lights do not go out, then it may be another problem. I need more information to help you out better. How do you get the car restarted? Does the car just stall or does it stop moving? Any common conditions when this happens. What temp. does it happen? Any info. Would help me.