Honda Repair: AC compressor clutch, compressor clutch, pep boys
QuestionI've been trying to purchase a replacement ac clutch for my 93 Honda Accord and the clutches that I find are totally different than the original. Mine has a circular counter weight similar to the magnetic ring and the new ones have 3 separatecouter weights on one plate. Also the compressors shown on all searches are Denso 10pa17c with a threated nipple on the side, mine has insert type bolt down fittings for the refrigerant connections. Are the new replacement clutches just a different design and made to fit or is there something that I need to know?
Where are you looking for the clutch? Online? Pep Boys? I have never came across your problem. Every clutch that I have replaced on that model car, looks exactly like the factory one. There is one thing that you must switch over from the old clutch. That is the plate where the lines bolt to. You must transfer that plate onto the new one, but it has nothing to do with the clutch. I recomend going to a honda dealer with your VIN and let them give you the correct one.