Honda Repair: 87 prelude 2.0 si, prelude 2, pep boys
Questionthis car hesitates or has severe power loss
below 3500 rpm
exactly on the mark of 3500 rpm it suddenly runs perfect
it seems to me like maybe a problem with some part that controls the timing advance below 3500
just a guess though
ive talked to a couple of other people that have had the exact same problem so i figured id try to find someone who has tackled this before or knows the map of what the computer relies on when
before i go checking all the sensors and and wiring and such
any ideas?
You have a spark problem by the sound of it. You need to start with the basics like plugs, cap and rotor, and wires. Make sure you have HONDA parts in the car. I have seen sooo many times where people put it Bosch plugs or pep boys wires and within 5-10k miles, they die. Until you rule these things out, I have no more suggestions at this time.