Honda Repair: 4th Generation Prelude, 4th generation prelude, 4th generation honda prelude

I'm looking at buying a 4th generation Honda Prelude 2.2Vtec.  I'm thinking about getting a 1992 vintage or around that age.  Are there any main points to look out for, well known problems or expensive fixes I might get caught out by?  I live in the UK if that makes any difference.

The only things I look for in used cars are service history, and overall condition. Don't buy a hack job.
If it's heavily modified, pass it up. Subtle aftermarket things such as wheels, intakes, etc. are ok. If it's lowered beyond reason, or has cut springs and such, look at another. Take a peek into the engine by removing the oil cap. If it's clean, it's been maintained. If it's sludged, forget it. I would also look for wax pencil markings, indicating junkyard engines and transmissions.
Go for a V-Tec model too (94-up), you'll enjoy the extra power. If the timing belt hasn't been changed, change it!
You'll be looking at big-bucks if it fails.
Good luck.