Hyundai Repair: 2007 Hyundai Sonata, 2007 hyundai sonata, phillips screws

Drivers door handle broke off, is this something I can repair

Hi, Charles.  The answer to this question obviously depends on your mechanical abilities, but neither the inside nor outside door handle is particularly difficult to replace.

To replace the outer handle, remove the small round black rubber cover on the back edge of the door.  Then remove the 8mm screw from inside the hole-- consider using a magnet to keep the screw from falling into the door.  Next, pull the lock cylinder out of the door.  And last, pull backward and out on the door handle, if any remnants remain.  Installation is the reverse of removal.  

To replace the inner door handle, you'll need to remove the inner door panel.  It's held in place by several Phillips screws.  One is behind the cover in the inner door handle bezel.  Another is under a cover at the pull handle.  And if I recall properly, there are three behind small round covers at the front and rear edges of the door panel.  Also check the bottom of the panel as there may be two screws there as well.  Remove the triangular inner mirror cover, remove the door handle bezel, and pull out on the bottom of the door panel to unsnap it from the door.  Then simply lift it up and off the window sill.  You should now have direct access to the inner handle and be able to unscrew it and remove the cables from it.