Hyundai Repair: hestitation when pushing the gas, throttle position sensor, crank sensor
QuestionStarts and idles fine. When pushing gas while in park or while driving it hesitates. No engine codes. Dealership changed timing belt, fuel pump, crank sensor, TPS. Still doing same thing.
AnswerI answered your previous question not realizing that it was the dealership that had done this work. Can you tell me why the dealership replaced all these components? Were there trouble codes indicating some sort of a problem? If so, were the trouble codes documented anywhere for you? Sure seems like the crank sensor, fuel pump, and throttle position sensor were replaced in a nonfruitful attempt to repair the condition. In such a case, I'd think the dealer should at least be willing to look at the car again and offer diagnostic conclusions for no additional charge. Without knowing exactly why the listed components were replaced, it's hard to say whether they'd owe you additional financial consideration, but the implication is certainly there that much work was done to address this issue without resolving it.
Additionally, can you elaborate on what you mean when you say it hesitates when pushing the gas while in park? Can you describe what you see/hear/feel?