QuestionNoticed that my power steering was not working right took a look and notice it was empty. Filled it up turned on the car and it went every where. I believe its a hole in what i think is the high pressure hose, is this something we can repair at home and if so how?Thanks
AnswerReplacing a high pressure hose is simpler on some models than others. On nearly all, you'll need a 17mm crow's foot socket, a swivel attachment, and a long (24" or so) extension along with some of the more common tools a do-it-yourselfer would have. Sometimes, the line is run in an awkward path or in a difficult-to-get-to location.
If the job already sounds like it's too much, you should probably have a shop do it. If it still sounds reasonable, write back and tell me what year and model vehicle you have, which engine it has (Sonata, Santa Fe, 2003-2008 Tiburon, and Tucson), and whether it is 4-wheel drive (Santa Fe, Tucson, Veracruz). With that information, I'll better be able to tell you what will be necessary for you to replace the line.