Hyundai Repair: Hyundai Terracan knocking noise while idling, connecting rod bearings, hyundai terracan


My Terracan has developed a knocking noise while idling.
Have had the timing belt and tensioners replaced approx 7 months ago and have always had it regularly serviced.
The mechanic who serviced it today said he thinks the noise is coming from the lower internal engine. It's not from the loose housing or parts anywhere.
It started out sporadically, but is pretty consistent 95% of the time now.
What do you think this could be?

Thanks in advance....


Presuming the mechanic is correct about the general area of the noise, you're likely to need major engine repairs.  The most frequent cause of knocking noises from the lower half of the engine is worn or damaged connecting rod bearings.  Usually, once the engine gets to the point of making noise due to wear here, enough engine components are damaged to make it cost-effective to replace the engine or the lower half as opposed to attempting to repair just the damaged components.