QuestionHow do you remove a alternator from a 1997 Hyundai sonata gls v6?
AnswerHi, Greg. It's been quite a while since I've done this job, but I typically did it by removing the axle and engine mount, and then jacking the engine to allow enough room to remove the alternator.
The shop manual lists the following process:
1. Remove the distributor cap
2. Remove the power steering pressure hose from the pump
3. Remove the belt
4. Remove the timing cover cap
5. Remove the alternator.
As I recall, the accumulator for the air conditioning may be in the way as well, making this a difficult job for the do-it-yourselfer. Sometimes the shop manuals neglected to mention this sort of information because they were written for vehicles in all countries, which may not have a/c. So my advice is to look around at the job and see which way seems easier to you.
And most importantly, be sure to disconnect the negative battery terminal. Otherwise, the main alternator cable will short circuit against any metal the lug touches.