Hyundai Repair: error code, engine managment, cat converter

i replaced my cat converter about a month ago in my 02 santa fe, sinse then he engine managment light has come up twice and has been cleared twice by the mecahnic. the car runs fine. Any idea whats wrong?

Hi, Tim.  If the mechanic is simply clearing the lamp and not making a repair, the most I can tell you is that the lamp returns because the problem in question hasn't been repaired.

I can probably give you information regarding what is wrong or how to diagnose your problem, but I'll need to actual trouble code to be able to do this.  Simply follow-up with the five-digit trouble code (of the form Pxxxx), and I'll be happy to help you figure this out.  If you do not know the code, the mechanic should be able to tell you what it was.