Hyundai Repair: 2005 Sonata squeaks when turning left, rusty chain, metal tab
QuestionMy little sister has a 2005 Sonata. When she turns the wheel to the left it squeaks. She describes the noise as "like a rusty chain on a swing set". When the car warms up, the noise seems to go away...although she may just get used to it and start ignoring it. What is it, and is it expensive? Thanks!
AnswerI won't be able to tell you definitely what the noise is without hearing it and then inspecting the car to determine the source.
It is possible, however, that the noise may be coming from the brakes. Each of the inboard brake pads has a metal tab on it designed to rub the rotor and make a squealing noise once the pads reach their wear limit. The purpose is to alert you to the fact that your brakes are worn prior to damage being done to the rotors by further wear. When the tab first begins to touch, things that cause a very tiny shift in the braking component positions (such as a turn or applying the brakes) can make the noise stop or start.