Hyundai Repair: 2001 Elantra wont turn over, electrical schematics, fuse block
QuestionHi, my son's 2001 elantra was in a mishap. Left front was mashed a bit (battery pushed back slightly into the underhood fuse box), headlight assembly smashed. Initially, it wouldn't start after the accident, but about a week later it started. He would start the car about once a week while saving to get the body work done. Battery died. Just changed battery to get it fixed and car won't start. All idiot lights work, headlights work. 12.7 Volts across the battery terminals. Car won't even click. Idiot lights don't even dim when turning key into crank position. I know starters are pretty hardy on these models, correct? Any ideas to try/troubleshoot the problem? Since fuse box was pushed, is it possible the starter relay is shot? How do you test that? Also, horn doesn't work now. Thanks in advance.
AnswerYou'll want to check along the starting circuit to see where the problem lies. The collision could have cut wires or pulled wires loose from the fuse block or elsewhere. I'd encourage you to register for a free account at to help facilitate this; you'll be able to view the electrical schematics for the starting system (and the other systems as well) there. Then you can check to make sure the starter relay is receiving proper signal and in general follow the voltage from its source to the starter, allowing you to determine where the problem lies.
In regard to checking the starter relay, the easiest way to check this is probably to swap an identical relay-- preferably one from a circuit you controlling something you know works, if possible-- from another position.
As far as the horn is concerned, it's likely that it or its wiring was physically damaged as well.