Hyundai Repair: Replacing Actuator and wire for Hyundai Tiburon, hyundai tiburon 2003, hyundai tiburon
QuestionI removed the old actuator and the wire going from the actuator to the lock was also busted so I had to replace that. I am having difficulty figuring out how to remove the wire end that is behind the lock. Is there a screw to remove the lock so I can get to it? I don't want to pull it and possibly break something else. Hyundai Tiburon 2003..passenger side.
AnswerHi, Camille. I'm presuming you're referring to the door lock actuator and the lock knob on the door handle. If not, please follow up and clarify.
To remove the inside door handle from the door, you'll need to remove the door trim panel. (Since you're replacing the actuator as well, I'm presuming the trim panel has been removed. If you need assistance with removing the trim panel, follow up and let me know.) The inside door handle itself is attached to the door with one Phillips screw. Once the screw is removed, you should then be able to remove the handle from the door by sliding it forward. The cable should be attached to the handle via clips which attach the cable to the lock knob and the cable housing to the handle assembly.
Depending on how the cable specifically snaps into the handle (which I cannot remember), you may be able to remove the cable from the door handle without removing the handle from the door.