Hyundai Repair: How to remove bearing on rear wheel on 2002 xg350, wheel hub, hub assembly

I need to put new rear wheel bearing on my 2002 xg350. I have removed the caliper, caliper bracket, and rotor. I then removed the plastic cover over the sproket on the backside and the four bolts. But what else must be done to remove the stud hub and get to the bearing, because i can not get it to pull loose and out. I have tryed to find a diagram of how to remove all but have had no luck.

Checking the Hyundai parts diagram, the rear wheel hub comes as an assembly from the factory; you cannot purchase just the bearing.  You've already taken loose the items necessary to remove the hub assembly; it may be simply stuck in place from the dirt and rust over the years.  

If you do indeed have an entire hub assembly, do not be afraid to use a hammer to knock the hub loose from the back side.  

If, on the other hand, you were able to obtain just a bearing for servicing, you'll need to re-use several components, so you may not want to use a hammer on them.  In this case, you'll need to remove the hub and tone wheel with a two-armed puller.  First, use the puller to remove the tone wheel from the rear of the hub assembly.  Then, using a brass or plastic hammer, knock the hub out from the rear.  Then remove the nut from the back of the assembly and remove the bearing from the hub.