Hyundai Repair: 04 hyundai tiburon, hyundai tiburon, jump time

I am stumped. my friend has a 04 tiburon and the battery quick working so we got a new one put it in worked for about 2 days then car would not start. got and alternator put it on replaced the battery terminals start and run but after a while the lights would go out tach would stop then car would eventually shut off. they said we had the "wrong alternator" but when we put this new on in now it wont even start now it will turn over but wont start all wires are good i work at a body shop and everyone else there is stumped too. i was hoping you could help us out with this headache if you have any questions please email me it is his only car.


Hi, Trevor.

It's possible that you don't have sufficient battery voltage to start the car or that you've blown a fuse that provides power to the engine control module or something else critical.  I cannot think of anything inside the alternator itself that would prevent a cranking engine from starting.

I'd recommend first checking the fuses, especially the main fuse.  

If all the fuses are okay, check to see whether the check engine lamp illuminates when the ignition key is turned to the on position.  If the lamp doesn't illuminate, you should suspect a problem with the PCM powering up properly.

Otherwise, resort to the typical checks.  Do you have spark?  Fuel pressure?  Did the engine jump time?  Figure out what sort of issue you have so you can develop a strategy to investigate the cause.