QuestionHow do you replace the inside door handle (driver & passenger side) for 2003 hyundai tiburon base 4 cyl? need step by step procedure if possible
AnswerI don't recall replacing the interior door handles on this model Tiburon myself, so I'm not sure whether you'll need to remove the entire door trim panel.
1. Pry off the outer portion of the door pull grip cover.
2. Remove the two screws holding the bezel on the door handle and remove the bezel.
3. If possible, remove the two screws holding the door handle onto the door, separate the handle from the door (this may require sliding forward or back), and remove the cables from the handle. If not possible to remove the screws and get the handle out, continue to step 5.
4. Install the new handle in the reverse order.
5. Remove the two screws behind the pull grip, the three on the front of the door trim panel and the three on the rear of the panel.
6. Check for any other screws holding the door panel in place. I think I've listed them all, but if one remains, you could break something if you pull too hard.
7. Pry off the small triangular cover at the front of the door.
8. Pull out on the bottom of the door panel and work your way up the sides.
9. Once the bottom and sides have come loose, lift the door trim panel up and off the door.
10. Now remove the handle as in step 3.
11. Installation is the reverse.