Hyundai Repair: What do these codes mean and what should I do?, vehicle speed sensor, pulse generators

Hi thanks for reading this. I am a 2001 Hyundai owner for a year now (used). Unfortunately the transmission had to be changed. Car did okay for awhile and then I was getting the map code so the MAP sensor was changed, car rode very nicely. Until one day the check engine light came on. Took to local auto parts store and had them checked. I reaceived code P0722 and P1529 I am not sure where to go from here and knowing exactly what it could  be. Pulse generator sensor? Speed Sensor? I am a single mother and know a little bit about cars. So I hope that what I am saying jives..... THanks Heather

I'm presuming you have an Accent, since if my memory is correct, no other models used the code P0722 in 2001.  If this is incorrect, please follow up and let me know.

P0722 indicates there's a problem with the pulse generator B (transmission output speed sensor) signal.
P1529 simply indicates the transmission control module (TCM) requested the engine control module (ECM) to turn on the check engine lamp.

There is a known problem on 2000-2002 Accents where the TCM misreads small induced voltages in the vehicle speed sensor signal wire as actual signals from the sensor, causing it to believe there is a problem with the correlation between the vehicle speed sensor and pulse generator B.  In most cases, all that's needed is to reprogram the TCM, but you'll be unlikely to find anywhere other than the dealer to do this.  

I'd recommend taking the car to the dealer, telling them that the check engine lamp has been coming on, that you've checked the codes and received P0722, and that you understand there's a reprogram to address this issue.  Ask them to check the vehicle to see whether this is actually the fix you need.  They'll be able to check whether the reprogram has already been done, and they'll be able to check the pulse generators to ensure they're okay.

If the pulse generators need replacement, you'll likely be able to replace them yourself with basic hand tools.  They come as an input and output speed sensor connected together via the wiring to the sensors.