Hyundai Repair: Front Crankshaft Seal, hyundai santa fe, crankshaft seal

I have a 2001 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7 liter. Front crankshaft seal keeps leaking. I took it apart put a new seal in and it still leaked, took it back apart inspected further noticed that the crankshaft had a grove wore into it from the seal. I found a repair sleeve that would fit the crank and installed it with a new seal, that held up for about 130 miles and now its leaking again?? Is this a common problem? If so what's the fix? Thanks for your time.

This is a very rare problem for this engine.  Since the crankshaft has a groove worn in it, you might try not installing the seal until it bottoms out, instead leaving it a couple millimeters farther out.  This may keep the seal far enough away from the groove to keep it from leaking.