Hyundai Repair: vehicle speed sensor, vehicle speed sensor, 2003 hyundai elantra
QuestionHow do you check to see if the vehicle speed sensor on the right front wheel of a 2003 Hyundai elantra is good and if bad how do you replace it?
AnswerFirst, check visually. Is there a tone wheel on the axle? Is it damaged? Remove the right front fender liner and check the wiring from the sensor up to the connector and into the engine compartment. A broken (or rodent-chewed) wire is the most common issue.
If possible, check with an a/c voltmeter. The sensor should produce an ac voltage between the two wires when the wheel is turned.
To replace, unplug and unbolt the wiring going to the sensor. Then unbolt and remove the sensor from the knuckle. The removing of the sensor from the knuckle isn't likely to be as easy as it sounds. In most cases, the sensor is rusted into the knuckle. In some, the bolt breaks off as well. You may need to remove the axle from the wheel hub to be able to hammer the sensor out from behind with a punch or drift.