Hyundai Repair: Charcoal Cannister, gas pumps, slow pace
QuestionI was having the difficulty I see many complain of, that is the inability to pump gasoline into the tank other than at a VERY slow pace. I removed the charcoal cannister and the gas pumps flawlessly now, however my check engine light is on and I want to put the cannister back. Here's my question: I noticed the charcoal pellets coming out of the cannister. Why? Does that mean I have to replace the cannister or can I just put a screen over the connection before attaching the hoses which would keep the pellets from getting into the lines and causing the problem to reoccur? Or should I just put it all back together since I have cleaned out the lines and drive on? The key here is that I don't want to waste money on a new cannister unless this one is completely FUBAR. Thanks!
AnswerIf you have charcoal pellets coming out, the old canister is definitely fubar. Since you already have the canister off, it's probably also a good idea to replace the canister filter at the same time. If this filter is sufficiently restricted, it too can cause the fuel fill issues you describe.