Hyundai Repair: losing power, alternator belt, jumper cables
Question1999 sonata firstly bought this vehicle in Dec 09 service engine light on and off now on but no issues Had it tested... recently while driving the alternator/baterry ignition lights (red) come on.... they sometimes went off.
recently on all time and was running out of power and staleld. thoguth battery as it has been cold here. got boost and started but failed in a block... waited some tiem then boosted no red lights and drove for a few minutes then died.. had alternator checked replaced battery and lights off had checked issues then soon after lights on again (red ones) and stalled lose of power not even able to turn over... is it MAF sensor wiring? maybe exoposed wires under dash (ignition area)?
diods in alternator?
ECU fuse?
idle actuator?
battery ground wire?
AnswerThe battery lamp in your cluster is controlled by the alternator. If it comes on, the alternator isn't charging. Presuming the alternator belt is properly in place, replace the alternator.
Also, check the main fuse (about 80A or so). It'll either be in the main underhood fuse box or in a small one by the positive battery cable. Attaching jumper cables with incorrect polarity will cause this fuse to blow.