Hyundai Repair: 2000 accent, fuel management system, position sensors
QuestionI have a 2000 model accent that has a miss fire when the throtle opens quickly from idle.It sounds like timeing.I have replaced the leads plugs and throtle position sensor..
How do i check the cam and crank position sensors
AnswerTo check the cam and crank sensors, you'll need an oscilloscope. But this shouldn't be necessary. Presuming your fuel management system is similar to that used in the U.S., the engine control module should already be checking them. If the check engine lamp is not on and there are no trouble codes indicating a problem with either the cam or crank sensor, then it's rather safe to assume they're functioning properly.
If this is indeed a misfire, it's consistent with a secondary ignition issue. Since you've already replaced the plugs and leads, you might investigate the coil. Perhaps spray the leads (lightly) with water and see if you can duplicate the misfire with the hood open and manipulating the throttle lever. You should be able to see no arcing of any kind. Doing this at nighttime will assist in seeing any arcing.