QuestionHow do i replace the passenger side steering knuckle on my 2001 hyundai elantra sedan it has a 2.0L engine and what tool will i need to complete the job
AnswerIf you're replacing with new components, you'll also need a new hub bearing and retaining clip.
Also, I'll note that if the knuckle is broken from collision damage, you probably need much more work than a new knuckle.
You'll need the following tools:
1/2" drive socket wrench.
lug wrench or 21mm socket and extension
jack stands
17mm socket
32mm socket
14mm combination wrench
17mm combination wrench
19mm combination wrench
side cutters
needlenose pliers
4 lb hammer
#3 Phillips screwdriver
hydraulic press
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Loosen the lug nuts on the wheel in question.
3. Jack the front wheels off the ground.
4. Support the front of the vehicle with jack stands.
5. Remove the wheel.
6. Remove the cotter pins from the tie rod end and axle nuts.
7. Remove the 17mm nut from the tie rod end.
8. Strike the knuckle at the tie rod end with the hammer to loosen the connection.
9. Remove the tie rod end from the knuckle.
10. Remove the 32mm axle nut.
11. Remove the bottom 14mm bolt attaching the caliper to the caliper bracket.
12. Rotate the caliper upward and slide off the top caliper pin. (Do not disconnect brake hose.)
13. Remove the 2 17mm bolts holding the caliper bracket in place and remove the bracket.
14. Remove the rotor. This may require removing 2 Phillips screws.
15. Remove the two 17mm bolts attaching the knuckle to the strut.
16. Remove the 19mm nut attaching the ball joint to the knuckle and reinstall a few threads.
17. Strike the ball joint area of the knuckle with the hammer to loosen the connection.
18. Remove the ball joint nut and remove the knuckle.
If you're using a used knuckle, it should already come assembled with hub bearing, backing plate, and wheel hub. In this case, proceed to step 24.
19. Remove the wheel hub from the bearing with hydraulic press.
20. Press the new bearing into the new knuckle.
21. Transfer the backing plate from the old knuckle to the new knuckle.
22. Press the wheel hub into the bearing.
23. Install the bearing retaining clip.
24. Set the knuckle on the ball joint and install the 19mm nut.
25. Put the axle through the hub and attach the knuckle to the strut using the 17mm bolts.
26. Install the 32mm axle nut and install a new cotter pin.
27. Install the rotor.
28. Install the caliper bracket with the 17mm bolts.
29. Install the caliper and reinstall the 14mm bolt.
30. Install the 17mm tie rod end nut and install a new cotter pin.
31. Install the wheel and tighten the lug nuts.
32. Lower the vehicle onto the ground.
33. Retighten the lug nuts.
34. Have the vehicle aligned.