Hyundai Repair: esc off light, side tire, steering wheel

I have an '07 Sonata and I hit a patch of ice going aroung a round-about this morning.  I was only going about 15 or 20 mph, but my car slid a bit and my front passenger side tire bumped into the curb.  As a result, my car appears to need an alignment.  Additionally, I have a fair amount of play in the steering wheel.  Also, my ESC OFF light will not go off.  Any suggestions regarding a course of action would be appreciated.  Thanks

Excessive play in the steering and the ESC malfunction indicator (ESC OFF lamp) suggest that you've done significant damage to the suspension.  You'll need to have the car checked by a reputable frame/suspension shop (or the dealer).  From your description, I suspect you'll need some suspension components replaced.