Hyundai Repair: 1999 hyundai sonata timng belt, hyundai sonata, timing belt
Questionhow long does it take to replace the timing belt on a 1999 Hyundai sonata v6, and what else should I replace do this repair . ex. water pump, tensioner ?
Thank You
AnswerDepending on your skill level and equipment and tools available, this might take anywhere from one hour to six hours.
I typically recommend replacing the tensioner with the belt since there's no way to detect it's failing without having it off the engine for inspection. If it fails, the timing belt could slip and cause engine damage.
The water pump, on the other hand, would typically make noise prior to a failure which would damage the timing belt, so it's less likely that a failure would go undetected long enough to cause a serious engine problem. Whether replacing the water pump is a good idea is a matter mostly of preference. It's a significant additional cost, but replacing the belt and pump at the same time results in an even greater savings over doing both separately. There's no way of knowing how long the water pump will last without leaking. On this, I say follow your own principles. If it's most important to prevent future failures, I'd say replace the pump. If you're trying to keep cost down, I'd say don't replace it, but understand that if it fails later, you'll need to remove the timing belt once again.