Hyundai Repair: Santa Fe Rear View Mirror, jedi mind trick, rear view mirror
QuestionThe entire rear view mirror came off the glass at the car wash.
They said the glass was defective, and not there fault. is this a reasonable statement....?????
Thank you.
Answerhi Terry,
How old are you? I am 58 and the older i get the more unreasonable statements i hear everyday. My advice is: don't take it personal. It is their attempt at the old Jedi Mind Trick on telling us ludicrous things and expecting us to obey. Politicians do it for a living. Wives whoring around behind our backs are masters at it. Except now the practice has been taken up by even your local car wash attendant. I would assume your glass is just fine and the defect lay in the adhesion material...or your attendant strong armed it off of there by accident. I would tend toward the former and not the latter but a lawyer and a couple grand and 14 weeks of litigation might prove something different. Or take it to a glass repair facility and pay them for peace of mind and get on with our lives.
Your local custom automotive painter, Joe