Hyundai Repair: hyundai tiberon 2004 ebrake adjustment, hyundai tiberon, paint expert
QuestionHow do I adjust the ebrake after a caliper, rotor and pad job?
Answerprobably under your center console(after removal) with a nut and threaded eyehook type thing attaching to your two brake cables that go back to your two rear brakes. Just disconnect it from brake lever, and crank it down a little tighter, it dosn't take much thread turning to make a difference on that adjustment. try it out before putting all center console back together if you can. I am not a mechanic, but have signed up on this website as an auto paint expert. i do not know why i get mechanic questions. i just did that brake job on my 97 tiburon, so don't know if it has changed but that's how it worked in 1997.