Hyundai Repair: 99 Sonata 2.4L stalls, runs fine again after waiting only minutes, crankshaft position sensor, crankshaft sensor

QUESTION: It seems to occur in warmer weather when after driving for about 30 mins the engine cuts out. It won't start right away, but if you wait 10 mins it will start and run fine another half hour. It was found that it stalls because the 2 spark plugs on the drivers side stop firing (swapped coils, misfire did not move). Starts immediately by cooling the ignition failure sensor with an air hose.
The car experienced the same symptoms in Oct.06(shortly after the crank shaft sensor had been replaced). DTC's were P0340, P0765 and P0755. All relevant systems were found to be problem free. ECM was replaced. In May,the symptoms returned. DTC's now are P0300,P0340,P0760,P0755,P0725. (camshaft sensor replaced, no change)Could it be the ECM again, or was that never the problem. It seems like it ran beautifully all winter and started acting up with the return of warmer weather. Please Help.

ANSWER: Hi Patrick,
Looks like you have a tough one. did they replace the crankshaft blade and balancer belt when they replaced the crankshaft sensor? How many miles ago?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The invoice says they replaced the crank sensor, balancer belt, tensioner, and timing belt(since it was due to be replaced shortly).  That was 21 600 miles ago. Could the tensioner be the same as crankshaft blade? I live in Canada if that makes a difference.
ANSWER: Hello again,
Crankshaft blade is a different part then tensioner. We usually replace the blade and crankshaft sensor together since they work together.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Going by the invoice, the blade was not changed. If these components are not functioning correctly, could that be the cause?  What other possibilities do you think could cause 1 coil to stop firing and set a "false" camshaft sensor code? (the code P0340 consistently reappears after erasing)
Thanks again, Patrick

Hello again,
Yes, if crankshaft position sensor is acting abnormal caused by crankshaft blade , it may set a camshaft position sensor code. Also you need to make sure camshaft sensor connector is secure, pins are tight and all the wires between sensor and ECM have good contact and not broken.