Hyundai Repair: 2004 Sonata HEPA filter, climate control, tsbs
QuestionMy vehicle recently went out of warranty. I brought into the dealer before the warranty ended so I could have it looked over. One of the problems I'm having is poor airflow coming from the vents. Big problem here in Arizona. The dealer told me my car needed a new Hepa filter...I checked and I guess it has one. How do I replace it?
AnswerYou'll need to remove the glove box for access. Hyundai has a very nice technical service bulletin (TSB) describing this process.
You can view all the TSBs for your car by registering for a free account at (requires Internet Explorer). Once you've logged in, go to Service Information, click on the TSB tab, and enter your year and model. Actually, the TSB in question isn't indexed for the 2004 Sonata, so in this case, enter 2002 for your model year. Go to the climate control section and click on TSB 03-97-002.