Hyundai Repair: spark plugs, sized socket, new spark
QuestionWhat is the torque on spark plugs for a 4 cylinder 1.5 liter 1998 HyundaiAccent GL engine ? and How do you remove and install spark plugs for the above mentioned engine?
AnswerPrior to changing your spark plugs, check the gap of the new plugs. Set them to the specification on the underhood sticker (usually about .040").
To change a spark plug, grab the plug wire by the boot and pull off the plug. Then, using a ratchet, extension, and appropriately sized socket, unscrew the spark plug. Next, screw in the new spark plug and tighten to 15-21 ft-lb. Last, reinstall the wire onto the new plug. Then, move on to the next plug and repeat. By removing the wires and changing the plugs one at a time, you'll be sure to not install the any plug wires on the wrong spark plug.