QuestionQUESTION: Dear sir,
I have recently purchased a 2nd hand Electra 2ltr GLS,, The problem is that every now and then it will not start when the ignition key is turned, all fails to turn the engine all together.
Another small issue is that at low revs (2000 & below)the car is a little jerky especially when pulling away even if the throttle is depressed steadily.
Please could you help ?,
thanks - Gary - in Denmark
ANSWER: Anytime the starter won't run when the key is turned, the prelimanary checks include the state of charge of the battery and the condition of the battery terminals. If that's okay, then you can move on to the condition of the starter terminals and checking whether you're receiving proper power at the starter solenoid and the main starter lug. If you're not receiving any power to the starter solenoid, you should then check the transmission range switch (automatic transmission) or clutch pedal switch (manual transmission) for proper operation. If either of these switches creates an open circuit, the starter will not operate.
In regard to your jerking, you'll need to try to figure out whether it's related to engine or transmission performance. Does the jerking continue in direct proportion to engine rpm? If so, suspect a misfire. On the other hand, if the engine seems to run normally, you may have a transmission (automatic) or clutch (manual) issue.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you the starting problem is now understood and solved, as to the miss fire, is there any 'circuitry' of other components I should be aware of when trying to diagnose this problem ?.
The plugs / HT leads / air filter all ok, coils must be ok as car runs on all 4 , operates smooth & perfect at normal
speed, any suggestions ?,
Thanks Gary - Denmark
AnswerIf the car drives normally on acceleration at speed, then it's doubtful you have a misfire. In that case, I might suspect a transmission or sensor issue. You'll need to try to sort out whether there's a problem with engine performance or transmission operation.