Hyundai Repair: alternator removal, tensioner pulley, radiator fan

Trying to remove alternator off 2001 XG 300 - how do I release the serpentinebelt?

You'll need to remove the splash shield from behind the right front wheel, loosen the nut on the tensioner pulley, and then loosen the 14mm tensioner bolt from underneath, requiring the removal of the splash shield under the oil filter.

I do have some concern that this job may be a little more difficult than you anticipate.  Replacing the alternator on an XG is probably best suited for advanced do-it-yourselfers and professionals.  If you look, you'll notice that there's little room in which to actually remove the alternator.  Presuming you don't have the equipment necessary to discharge, vacuum, and recharge the air conditioning, you'll need to remove the radiator to get enough room to remove the alternator.  If you have the means to dishcarge and service the a/c system, you can remove the radiator fan and the a/c line that runs in front of the alterator.