Hyundai Repair: 2003 Santa Fe Driver Side Air Bag Removal, clock spring, ebay

QUESTION: My steering wheel is falling apart, so I bought a used leather one on ebay.  I'm trying to disconnect the airbag to replace the steering wheel.  How do I get the electrical connector off?


ANSWER: If you have a little strap on the connector, it's attached to a lock which you'll need to pull out of the connector.  If there is no strap, the connector should pry out *easily* with a small screwdriver.  

If you think you may be applying too much pressure, it may be better to get someone familiar with cars to try to help you in person.  Forcing the connector could cause damage to the clock spring or air bag.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was trying to remove the connector at the steering column.  Should I remove the little black 2 prong fork like piece & then pull th connector out of the back of the airbag?


The connector should come off the rear of the air bag.  Without looking at one to refresh my memory, I can't be certain, but I think the two-prong black thing is the connector lock.  Once you have it out, the connector should pry out with a small screwdriver.  Both the connector lock and the connector should come out easily.

Also, if I recall correctly, there are two wires coming out of the clock spring (the device on your steering column where the wires from the air bag go).  Along with disconnecting the air bag wiring from the air bag, I believe you need to disconnect the connector for the other set of wires from the clock spring.

Be sure to have your battery disconnected for 30 minutes prior to disconnecting the air bag.