Hyundai Repair: inoperative turn signals, turn signal switch, emergency flasher
QuestionQUESTION: 1995 Hyundai Accent hatchback. Emergency flashers and all bulbs operate normally. Fuse checks OK. Turn signals do not work at all but there is occasionaly a clicking sound coming from the turn signal relay regardless of the position of the turn signal lever when the ignition is on. This clicking sound is not always constant but is usually is clicking away even thouugh the signals are not operating
ANSWER: The same flasher is used for the turn signals and the hazard flashers, so it's unlikely that the flasher is your problem. Most likely, the issue is a poor contact inside your turn signal switch.
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QUESTION: Thanks for the quick reply. I have also read that the emergency flasher switch could be at fault as it must complete a circuit when turned off for the turn signals to operate. As the flasher clicks sporadically (and sometimes not at all) no matter what the position of the turn signal lever is in. Could this also be a possibility? I know this is a common problem with VW Jettas as we have had to replace quite a few at the shop.
AnswerA problem with the hazard switch cannot cause the clicking issue you describe, unless it happens when you turn the hazard lamps on. I've seen it occur a few times due to a problem in the turn signal switch. Usually, you can test by manipulating the switch a little. If the unintended clicking stops when you move the switch, the problem is in the switch.