Hyundai Repair: 1999 Hyundai Accent Fueling Problem, hyundai accent, pump handle
QuestionI have a problem when fueling my 99 Hyundai Accent, the gas pump is constantly stopping, as if the tank is full, though I know it is near empty. I can only fuel it up by barely squeezing the pump handle so the gas flows in very slowly, so it takes forever to fill up the tank. I've been told by friends that it might be an issue with a clogged airway or something where the air leaves the tank as it is filled with fuel, so that the air pressure just builds up while I'm fueling and the pump stops. Is there anyway for me to check this? Can I have a regular mechanic look at it, or do I need to go to a dealer?
AnswerMost likely, your friends are correct. The other possibility is that there's a restriction in the fuel inlet path. If you can verify that the fuel filler neck, hoses to the tank, and fuel tank have no physical damage, then it's a pretty good bet that your tank is not venting properly. Common causes are a clogged canister or canister filter, or a stuck closed purge control valve.