Hyundai Repair: 2001 Elantra, cigarette lighter, blown fuse

1)The automatic transmission disengages a few times a week between 2nd and 3rd gear, Is the transmission shot?
2) The cigarette lighter went dead after pulling my cell phone connector out the other day? I suspect a blown fuse, the fuse box does'nt specify cigarette lighter, where is it?

1.  There's a technical service bulletin (TSB 02-40-001) regarding shift flare between 2nd and 3rd gear.  You should probably have the dealer do this as a preliminary step along with checking the transmission fluid.

2.  The lighter is controlled by fuse #18.  I don't know what the labels are, but it should be a 15A fuse that's the 9th from the left in the second row of fuses in the interior fuse box.