Hyundai Repair: 2001 Sonata: Radio Replacement, radio model, switch plate
QuestionHad the radio on my 2001 Sonata GLS go bad (radio model H935). Found a replacement on eBay--now I need to know how to swap it out. I don't see the mounting points for the console face, so I'm stuck on where to start.
AnswerYou'll need to remove the upper console cover to enable removal of the center dash facia.
First, pry the switch plate out of the console. This should expose the screws that hold the upper console cover in place.
Remove the screws that hold the upper console cover and remove the cover. This should expose the screws at the bottom of the dash facia.
Remove the screws at the bottom of the dash facia and remove the facia. After removing the screws, it should snap off. Do your best to be gentle. Anything causing the facia to twist will cause it to crack or break. I frequently place a small screwdriver between the radio and facia and pry out on the facia.