Hyundai Repair: Head gasket torque values, torque values, head bolts

I am working on a 2002 accent 1.6L DOHC engine. I had the head rebuilt and am reassembling. I have the service manual for this car and it tell me to torque the head bolts to 22ft/lb + 90 degrees, loosen bolts, re-tighten to 22ft/lb +90 degrees. This is all good, but this seems like a very low torque value to me! Please is this value and procedure correct? Thanks: Dennis  

I went to and checked this as well, since that is my source of information as well.  The spec there is 26 ft-lb and turn 90 degrees, then release and retigten to 26 ft-lb and turn 90 degrees.  I also checked TSB 02-20-002, which lists the same specification.

Although 26 ft-lb is a low torque, turning the bolt an additional 90 degrees will greatly increase the torque.  I'd suspect the final torque would be about 60 to 80 ft-lb.