Hyundai Repair: hyundai accent Fuel Tank getting shrinked, Air pressure releases from fuel cap, fuel vapors, charcoal canister

QUESTION: I have a Hyundai Accent (year 2001)
I noticed a noise (when the engine is in start and also just after switching off) from the back side and when I looked, the Petrol tank has been shrinked.
When I opened the fuel cap, it released a large amount of vacuum.
Recently I noticed the engine knocks when the fuel was filled full tank.

ANSWER: Your charcoal cansiter or canister filter is probably clogged.  It's also possible the passage in the leak detection pump is blocked, or the plumbing between the tank and canister is kinked or blocked.

Start with checking the canister filter and canister to see if you can blow air through them.  Be careful of the fuel and vapors if you intend on using your mouth.  Fuel and fuel vapors are poisonous.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I took the canister compartment out (It holds the part number 31420-25000).
I can see a small metal part (which seems like lead ) in the connecting rubber tube between metal tube from tank and the canister.
Is this something necessary (like a filtering element) or something which should be removed.
The canister unit is sealed. Could you please tell me where the canister filter is located.
Is it OK to clean the canister with injector cleaning fluid or something?

31420 is the part code for the charcoal canister, but I don't see any application for 31420-25000.  Is this a U.S. Accent?  If so, it's possible the number you see isn't the part number for the canister.

I'm not sure what the lead-looking stuff would be.  Without knowing what it is, I'd recommend against taking it out.  You're better off getting someone familiar with evaporative systems looking at it to make that sort of decision.  

Do not under any circumstances put liquid in the charcoal canister.  This will ruin the canister.  

The canister filter should be somewhere in the vicinity of the canister and leak detection pump.  I'd think that if you found the place that the hose opened to the atmosphere and followed it toward the leak detection pump and canister, the first thing you should get to is the canister filter.