Hyundai Repair: 1993 Scoupe Flooding 1.5 l Non turbo, air intake hose, air flow sensor
QuestionThe question I would have is my 1993 Scoupe is Driving me mad. I just recently had to change my water pump and while doing that i changed my timing belt as well. both were sucessful. now to my main problem I went to start my car after these where done it started but all i could smell was gas(not good) and my car was idleing really rough. after i turned the car off It would not start again for about 1hr or so and at that i still had to make it start (so to speak)Now i have already changed the coolant temp sensor, Idle speed acuator , and many other numerous parts to no avail. same problem still exists. any idea or answeres would be of great help and very much appreciated. for I am on the verge of replacing the whole intake systen right away.but I can't help but think it is something simple just can't put my finger on it.(P.s if this helps anyone it seems to be getting to much presure in the fuel rails but i have already changed the fuel presure regualtor)
Thanks in adv
AnswerRecheck your camshaft timing if you haven't already done so. If your timing is a tooth or two off, it could cause these symptoms. Perhaps also a problem with the air flow sensor or the air intake hose.
Beyond that, you've already tried most of the other things I can think of.
I wouldn't go changing any more parts unless you can show they're bad. At this point, it's probably less expensive to pay for a professional diagnosis from a good driveability technician.