Hyundai Repair: 03 tiburon Gt, fuel rail, fuel pressure

MY Tiburon GT doesn't seem to be getting any spark on the front three cyliners.  Plugs, wires and coil have been replaced, switched injectors still no difference.  Also the compression is fine.  Could i have a proble with fuel pressure.  there is no pressure sheck valve on the fuel rail.  

Thank You

Lack of fuel pressure won't cause a lack of spark.

If you can, I'd like you to give me some more information so I better understand what's occurring:

1.  How did you determine you didn't have any spark on the front three cylinders?
2.  Did you check to see whether you have spark on the back three?  If so, what were the results?
3.  Did your check engine lamp come on prior to this problem occurring?