Hyundai Repair: power problem, crankshaft position sensor, engine computer

2000 Hyundai sonoda 4 cylinder.the balancer belt was broken,my husband replace for me.after that the car won't start,the ignation wire donot have power,my husband replace the crankshaft position sensor,cam position sensor,ignation sensor,and engine computer,but it still won't start.could you help me find the problem what it is?
thank you

I think I can provide some help.  Hopefully, it'll lead you toward the problem.  To start, please help me with the following information:

1.  Was the car running prior to being disassembled?
2.  When you say the ignition wire doesn't have power, do you mean that the plug wires are not providing spark to the plugs, or do you mean something different?
3.  Have you established whether the camshafts are timed properly, whether you have spark, and whether you have fuel pressure?  (If some of these are no, this isn't an indicator that you need to do them right away.  Depending on your other answers, I may have some specific things to check.)